Types of Land & Buildings

Types of Buildings

There are 4 types of Buildings in Mini Royale Nations:

  1. Administrative Buildings: (utility buildings, fusible to land), like the HQ, which control other buildings

  2. Economic Buildings: (utility buildings, fusible to land), likes mines and storage which generate or store items

  3. Military Buildings: (utility buildings, fusible to land), like walls, which offer defenses or other military value

  4. Decorative Buildings: (cosmetic, does not fuse to land), like championship statues, which offer commemorative & rare decorations and can be won through various Events

Types of Land

There are two types of Land in Mini Royale Nations:

  1. Private Land: is land owned by players that allows either the owner or the ruler to receive extra utility in the game. It offers better mining rewards and mining and refining speeds than Public Land

  2. Public Land: is land controlled by the Game DAO. It is always Public and has an infinite supply; it also acts as a public utility that can handle any amount of player demand

Public Land Activities

Public Land Refining

  • Infinite throughput, long processing time

  • Processing fee fixed at 20%; these Enriched Orbs get burnt (removed from circulation)

Public Land Mining

  • Infinite throughput, lower drop probabilities of rare items

  • 1 free attempt per day

Public Land Upgrade Point Generation

  • 1 free Upgrade Point harvesting attempt per day tied to mission completion

Private Land Activities

Private Land Refining

  • Limited throughput, much faster processing time

  • Each Land Owner sets own fee and takes X% of Enriched Orbs that are refined by other players

  • If the Land has a Ruler that’s different from the Land Owner, then the Refining Fee is set by the Ruler but split 50/50 between Land Owner and Ruler

Private Land Mining

  • Limited throughput, but better speed, and drop probabilities

  • Fees paid are set by the Ruler and split between Land Owners, Rulers and Clans

Private Land Upgrade Point Generation

  • Governed by number of Generators built, and only available to Land Owners and Rulers

  • Fees paid are set by the Ruler and split between Land Owners, Rulers and Clans

Last updated

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