Once a Mine is built on a plot of land, that land is able to mine Engram Fragments, which in turn can be used to open item crates to get full items. Mining rewards are split between miners, landowners, and current rulers. Certain tools also give players Mining boosts, which increase drop probabilities of certain items.
Here is how Mining works on Private Land:
The Process
Player picks a Mining Tool that they want to use for Mining. Only one simultaneous Mining operation can be performed per Mining Tool. Owning multiple tools allows the player to have multiple mining operations happening at the same time, however the cost of each additional one being done simultaneously gets higher.
The Land’s Ruler sets upfront and backend fees for mining on their Land (default values will be preset in case the Ruler does not set any).
Occasionally the Mining process may return empty with nothing found.
Player can either wait X time or can pay $ROYALE to speed up Mining process.
Mining fee formulas for Land where Land Owner is also the Ruler:
Upfront Fees: Player pays the Game DAO mining fee + Land Owner decides an additional upfront fee rate and collects 100% of those additional upfront $CHEDDAR fees
Backend Fees: Land Owner decides the backend fee rate and collects 100% of the backend Engram Fragment fees
Miner keeps whatever amount of Engram Fragments that are not subject to the backend fee
Mining fee formulas for Land where Land Owner is not the Ruler, and the Ruler is another player:
Upfront fees: Player pays the Game DAO mining fee + Ruler decides an additional upfront fee rate, 50% of the upfront $CHEDDAR fees go to the Land Owner, 40% to the Ruler and 10% to the treasury of the Clan that the Ruler belongs to. If the Ruler is not part of a Clan, that 10% is burned
Backend fees: Ruler decides the backend fee rate, 50% of the backend Engram Fragment fees go to the Land Owner, 40% to the Ruler and 10% to the treasury of the Clan that the Ruler belongs to. If the Ruler is not part of a Clan that 10% is burned
Miner keeps whatever amount of Engram Fragments are not subject to the backend fee
Mining Yield
Refining is inefficient and that inefficiency is overcome by upgrading mining buildings and player level
The final mining yield is equal to:
Mining Yield = 100% - [Land Owner Fee] - [Ruler Fee] - [Clan Fee] - [Building Modifier] - [Player Level Modifier] - [Game DAO Fee]
If you're the Land Owner you don’t pay the Land Owner fee, and if you’re the Ruler, you don’t pay the Ruler Fee, but the rest of the yield is calculated the same in the event that the Land Owner or Ruler uses land that they control to mine
Claiming Mining Fees
Here is how Land Owners or Rulers claim their Engram Fragment fees from Mining:
Engram Fragments that are part of the Land Owner + Ruler + Clan Fees are automatically sent to Fragment Storage once the mining is finished.
Engram Fragments remain in storage until collected by either the Land Owner or the Ruler, at which point they’re placed into both players’ main inventories (and split based on Land Owner / Ruler fee split). When the Fragment Storage is full, mining will be stopped for all players until the storage contents are collected (or raided by an enemy player).
If there is a Clan Fee, then that is sent to the Clan Treasury at the same time as collection from storage, when either the Land Owner or the Ruler collect items out of storage into their main inventory.
The Ruler’s fee is taken out and distributed to the Ruler at the time that the Engram Fragments are collected from storage. In this case, if a Ruler recently took over a piece of Land that had some Fragments in storage, he or she can ‘raid’ a portion of what’s in storage.
Here is how Mining works on Public Land:
There is 1 free mining attempt per player per day, and no paid attempts are available
Public land offers lower drop probabilities of rare fragments compared to Private Land
Items mined from Public Land go directly into the player’s item inventory and bypass any storage facility
Mining Attributes
Land plots have the following mining-related attributes that are assigned to them when land is created. These parameters can be improved by upgrading the Mine building.
Mining Throughput
Maximum number of simultaneous mining operations that are allowed
Maximum number of Fragments per mining operation that are allowed
This parameter is mostly influenced by land plot size, with larger plots having more mining throughput
Mining Speed
The refining rate that determines how long a mining operation takes
This parameter is mostly influenced by land plot rarity, with rarer plots having more mining speed
Owners of mines with faster mining speed will likely charge higher fees
Mining Loot Probability
These values range from ‘barren’ to ‘ultra-rich’ and determine the drop probabilities of items of varying rarity
This parameter is mostly influenced by land plot rarity, with rarer plots having better loot drop probabilities
Owners of mines with better odds of dropping rarer Engram Fragments will likely charge higher fees
Note: All $CHEDDAR and $ROYALE for the Game DAO mining fees (and speeding up mining progress) goes to the Game DAO. The Game DAO burns all of the $CHEDDAR that it receives, unless otherwise decided by the governance token holders.
Last updated
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