Clans Wars & Tournaments
Clan Wars
Clan Wars are an opportunity to play with your Clan against 1000’s of other Clans globally to win rare prizes.
Entry Requirements: Orbs + NFTs
In order to participate in Clan Wars, player must use on-chain NFT weapons, and cannot use their basic off-chain weapons
Entry attempts into Clan Wars cost Enriched Orbs that are refined from regular Orbs
Example Event Structure
1 global Clan War event per week
Tiered leaderboard prizes
Individual global leaderboard based on individual points earned
Clan leaderboard based on clan points (everyone in Clan gets Clan leaderboard prizes)
Clan admin activates attempts
Attempts vary in difficulty
Easy (only uncommon guns or better can be used)
Medium (only rare guns or better can be used)
Hard (only epic guns or better can be used)
Brutal (only legendary guns or better can be used)
Higher difficulty = more max points
Each attempt has a time limit
The faster the Clan completes the attempt the more points the Clan gets
Each attempt costs an increasing amount of Enriched Orbs to start
Clan must complete all objective buckets in order to proceed to the next attempt
The objective buckets are broken down by different skill categories, so that there is need for specialization
Example of Mission Objectives below:
All Clan members contribute to the above objectives
Once all 4 objectives are complete, the attempt is marked as successful, points are added, and a new attempt is unlocked
The ‘Parameter Missions’ can vary from event to event, and use any of the Gun’s parameters (gun type, condition, etc).
Points earned per attempt are a combination of Base Points * Completion Time
Bracket Tournaments
A classic tourney format where you have an opportunity to play with your Clan against a few similarly ranked Clans for both prizes and bragging rights
Example Tournament Event Structure:
Some X# of brackets per day, with some tied to RBE rule set variations
16 Clans pay 100 $CHEDDAR to enter and top 4 Clans win prizes (Clan collectively pays this amount)
For example:
10K $CHEDDAR entry cost
Top 1 wins 8K $CHEDDAR
Top 2 wins 4K $CHEDDAR
Top 3 wins 2K $CHEDDAR
Top 4 wins 1K $CHEDDAR
Clan Leader distributes winnings to members based on their contribution
Last updated
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