Clan Wars World Domination Guide
World Domination is a turn-based mode that plays out on top of a normal Clan War event.
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World Domination is a turn-based mode that plays out on top of a normal Clan War event.
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World Domination is a turn-based mode that plays out on top of a normal Clan War event. As Clans earn Military and Economic points, they also automatically earn Build Points that can be spent on Buildings, Defenses and Nukes. Through World Domination, Clans can destroy and steal points from other Clans to advance on the Clan Wars Tiered Leaderboard. The Build Points earned and Buildings built during a World Domination event are reset after each event.
In World Domination, you can attack enemy Clans' cities with Nukes to destroy and steal some of their Leaderboard Score, protect your cities from attackers with Shields and Iron Domes, and build Oil Rigs to earn active and passive bonuses for more score points.
In World Domination, each Clan has 5 cities to manage. Depending on the amount of Build Points and $BUTTER that each Clan has, Clans can:
Build Oil Rigs to earn passive score points per turn
Build Missile Silos to be able to build Nukes
Build Nukes to attack an enemy city and remove and steal some of their points
Build an Iron Dome to protect all cities from attacks
Build City Shields to protect 1 city against an incoming Nuke
World Domination will be live on a recurring basis, but not with every Clan War. Clan Wars will continue to rotate between Raid-Focused, Staking-Focused, Combo, and World Domination.
When a Clan War with World Domination is live, you’ll see a panel on the homepage with a button that leads to the World Domination page.
World Domination lives on
For the first Clan War with World Domination, each turn lasts 6 hours. Turn duration is likely to be rebalanced with each World Domination Clan War.
The turn timer is global for all Clans, meaning that once the event starts, the timer starts for everyone. In other words, once the timer starts at the beginning of the Clan War, Clans have 6 hours to decide what to do before the turn is over.
Any buildings constructed during a turn will appear at the start of the next turn. Similarly, any Nukes deployed during a turn will do their damage at the end of the turn.
Each Military Point earned gives 1 corresponding Build Point. Military Points are earned through the completion of Raids.
Each Economic Point earned gives 1 corresponding Build Point. Economic points are earned through staking.
Build Points are used to construct all of the items listed above (Oil Rigs, etc). Build Points do not contribute to the overall score (aka Total Points).
Total Points are what ends up on the Clan Wars Tiered Leaderboard. This is the number that determines what Tier your Clan places in at the end of the event.
Vaulted Points are a portion of Total Points that is unable to be destroyed or stolen by other clans. Each turn a % of City Points gets Vaulted. This means that no Clan can bring another Clan all the way to 0 points during the Clan War. Vaulted Points increase each turn depending on the amount of Total Point a Clan has at the start of the next round. Vaulting rates are likely to be rebalanced with each World Domination Clan War.
City Points are a portion of Total Points that are assigned to each city. City Points will update over the course of the turn if Raids are completed during this period, or if Staking Points collect during the turn. Cities are weighted differently and are likely to be rebalanced with each World Domination Clan War.
Let’s look at an example assuming a 10% Vaulting rate and city weights of 40, 20, 20, 10 and 10.
Start of Turn:
Total Points (Leaderboard Score) at start of turn: 125,000
Build Points at start of turn: 125,000
During turn:
Raid completed and 100,000 points added to Cities and Leaderboard Score
Total Points: increases by 100,000 points to 225,000
Build Points: increases by 100,000 points to 225,000
End of Turn:
Total Points: 225,000
Build Points: 225,000
Vaulted Points: +20K
(225K - 25K) * Vaulting Rate of 10% = 20K
Oil Rigs produce 2,000 points per turn. These points get added to the Total Points, but do not contribute towards Build Points. Oil Rigs also provide a 1% bonus in Military Points earned from Raids. They cannot be destroyed by enemy attacks.
Missile Silos unlock the ability to build Nukes. You must have at least 1 Missile Silo built before you can construct Nukes. Each built Missile Silo unlocks the ability to build 1 Nuke. Missile Silos cannot be destroyed by enemy attacks.
All Missile Silos supply 1 free Nuke. After usage of that Nuke, your clan will need to build more Nukes with Uranium (see below).
City Shields can be built to protect specific cities from enemy attacks and cost $BUTTER to build, not Build Points. Note that unlike the Iron Dome, the City Shield can only protect 1 city, however, you can have multiple City Shields built to protect a city. City Shields can protect from 1 Nuke, and are destroyed upon contact with a Nuke. A City Shield will stay live on a city across multiple turns until it is targeted with a Nuke.
The $BUTTER price of City Shields increases with each City Shield that your clan purchases, and this price is cumulative for all shields on all of your Clan’s cities.
Uranium can be bought with Build Points or $BUTTER. The price of Uranium will fluctuate depending on market demand. Clan members can donate $BUTTER to their Clan to be used for Uranium purchasing by a Clan Leader or Officer.
Nukes are used to attack enemy cities. A Nuke can destroy up to a certain percentage of a target city’s City Points. Nukes can also steal up to a certain percentage target city’s destroyed City Points. Nukes can’t be destroyed by enemy attacks. 1 free Nuke is supplied with each Missile Silo, but all other Nukes cost Uranium to build.
Nuke destruction rates and vampire rates (what % of destroyed points get stolen) are likely to be rebalanced with each World Domination Clan War.
An Iron Dome can be built once per Clan per Clan War. Iron Domes protect all of your Clan’s cities by guaranteeing the protection of a high percentage of City Points that would have otherwise been destroyed by an incoming Nuke. Iron Domes cannot be destroyed, and stay live through the duration of the Clan War once they are built. However, they come at a very high price in Build Points.
Example: A Clan has an Iron Dome and 2 City Shields protecting City 1. After 5 Nukes attack the city, 2 are blocked by the shields and 3 get through the defense. However, if normally 17% of the City Points would be destroyed by each Nuke, with a 90% Iron Dome protection buff, only 1.2% of the City Points are destroyed by each Nuke.
Once the timer for the Clan War with World Domination begins, you will have 6 hours to make your move. You are not able to Nuke another city on your first turn, since you’ll need to build a Missile Silo first. Once Clan Leaders and Officers (if they have permissions) implement the building choices and the 8 hour timer is up, the turn ends.
As the game progresses, any Nukes sent to enemy cities in one turn will do their damage at the start of the next turn.
If you’re on the offensive, It is very likely that more than 1 enemy Clans will send Nukes to the same enemy city as you. Let’s review the following scenarios:
Your Clan sends 1 Nuke to an enemy city, and it has no shields. No other Clans attack this same city.
Congrats! You’ve made an excellent strategic gamble, and will meet the maximum City Point destruction rate and stolen points rate.
Your Clan sends 1 Nuke to an enemy city, but it has a shield. No other Clans attack this same city.
Your Nuke has been destroyed upon contact with the City Shield. Your Clan receives 0 points from this attack, and the enemy City keeps all of its City Points.
Your Clan sends 3 Nukes to an enemy city, but it has 1 shield. No other Clans attack this same city.
One of your Nukes was canceled out by the City Shield
The other 2 landed successfully - if the Nuke destruction rate is 10%, the enemy Clan loses 20% of their City Points (since there were 2 successful Nukes)
If the point steal rate is 20%, your clan will earn 40% of the destroyed City Points (since there were 2 successful Nukes)
Your Clan sends 3 Nukes to an enemy city, but it has 1 shield AND an Iron Dome. No other Clans attack this same city. Nuke destruction rate is 10% and point steal rate is 20% of City Points.
One of your Nukes was canceled out but the City Shield
The other 2 landed successfully, but the Iron Dome (with a protection rate of 80% in this theoretical Clan War) reduces the destruction rate of 10% to 2%.
With 2 successful Nuke hits, the enemy Clan loses via destruction 2 * 2% of their City Points (4%), and you steal 20% of that 4% of their City Points.
Your Clan sends 2 Nukes to a city, and another Clan sends 1 Nuke to the same city. The target city has no shields. Nuke destruction rate is 10% and point steal rate is 20% of City Points.
The target city loses 3 * 10% of its City Points (since there were 3 Nukes, and each Nukes has a 10% destruction rate in this example)
Your Clan steals 66% of the destroyed points, and the other clan steals 33% of the destroyed points (since they sent one third of the attack)
In Clan Wars World Domination, actions take place in a predetermined sequence:
Turn Processing Sequence)
Turn Starts
[During Turn] Clans run attempts and get score (plus automatically get Build points) in real time
[During Turn] Clans get economic points/score (plus automatically get Build points) in real time when Staking collects
Clan strategic choices are locked in: buildings, shields, nukes
Eligible score points are moved to vaults
Oil rigs passively produce score points (but not Build Points)
Nukes are produced
New buildings are added and come into effect
Shields are applied to cities
Nukes hit the cities (score points are subtracted from recipients)
Vampire points are added to the nukers
Destroyed shields are removed
Uranium price updates
Turn Ends
If the City Points of a city reach 0, it will continue to receive City Points as more Raids and Staking are performed. A City is not permanently removed from the Clan War if it is brought to zero.
There are 3 main approaches your Clan can take in World Domination:
Offensive: Build missile silos and nuke other cities
Defensive: Save Build Points for a massive shield in the late game
Economic: Build oil rigs for extra boosts and passive points
Each of these approaches comes with tradeoffs. It is up to your Clan to work together to figure out the best way to the top.
Additionally, use your diplomatic skills to form alliances with other clans to ensure a successful hit, and share the stolen enemy points with your ally. But be careful! You never know who will turn on you.
Building and Nuke purchases can be canceled before the end of the turn. Uranium purchases are instant and cannot be canceled.
Clans can also cancel attacks on other cities before the end of the turn.
The Clan Leader has the power to spend build points, spend $BUTTER, spend Uranium, and attack other cities by default. However, Clan Leaders can set Spend Limits for individual Clan Officers, which gives them permission to engage in the game actions. This is done through the Set Limits button on the Construction panel.
You can keep note of your defensive and offensive measure through summaries on the main panel.
While your Clan will be able to see which cities they attacked and which of their own cities were attacked, Clans have no way of knowing which enemy Clan attacked them.
At the end of a Clan War with World Domination, all buildings, Nukes, and Uranium supply are reset to 0. Each clan starts from scratch for the next World Domination Clan War.